MGB 6 Personnel Gathered for an Awareness Seminar on Ecological Solid Waste Management and Climate Change

Personnel of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau VI gathered for an awareness lecture and discussion on Ecological Solid Waste Management and emerging concerns on climate change last October 13, 2023 at the Days Hotel Iloilo. The event was spearheaded by Engr. Prudencio C. Bulawan IV (MSESDD).  He gave the rationale of the activity after Ms. Mae Magarzo, Chief of the Geosciences Division gave her opening remarks.

The activity aims to spread awareness and equip the participants on the sound methods and correct practices on waste management activities that aren’t harming the environment, and be cognizant of the emerging concerns on climate change in this time whereas it is an underlying concern detrimental to both the environment and the people.

Invited guest speakers for the learning event were Ms. Cherry T. Calapaan, Technical Staff, Solid Waste Management Section (Environmental Monitoring and Enforcement Division), and Engr. Jun Peter Dabuco, Chief of the Climate Change Unit (Clearance and Permitting Division) of DENR-EMB Region 6.

The first speaker, Ms. Calapaan gave emphasis on the key features of the Republic Act No. 9003 which is known as the “Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000”. Through a series of interactive lectures and visual presentations, the participants were enlightened on the topic. Ms. Calapaan deep-dived into discussing the key features of the ecological solid waste management policy such as the control of solid waste generation, the role of the LGUs and solid waste management plans, segregation at source, transfer and transport of solid wastes, the establishment of material recovery facilities, the prohibition of open dumps, criteria for the establishment of sanitary landfills, other prohibitions, and all penal provisions of the policy.

Indeed, the learning event led to a clearer vision of every individual’s role in environmental protection in the form of proper solid waste practices in households, institutions and workplaces, businesses and, the mechanisms of both the local and national government as a whole.

Moreover, Engr. Dabuco focused on explaining the detailed overview of climate change, its effects, and the mitigation procedures of the government as part of addressing climate change concerns. Participants actively took part in the exchange of questions and answers afterward.

The event was attended by sixty (60) personnel of the MGB Region 6. Ms. Cecilia L. Ochavo- Saycon, Chief of the Finance and Administrative Division gave the closing remarks as she took the opportunity to encourage everyone to lead by example, observe, and spread awareness of what has been highlighted in the learning event. (CAE, MGB VI)


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