The Career Executive Board (CESB) conferred Career Executive Service (CES) Eligibility to sixteen (16) candidates in CESB Resolution Number 1526 dated February 27, 2020.
Ms. Cecilia L. Ochavo-Saycon, chief of the Finance and Administrative Division of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office 6 (MGB-6), is among the successful candidates conferred with CES Eligibility in the cited CESB resolution.
“The Career Executive Service is the ‘third level’ or the managerial class in the group of career positions in the Philippine civil service. The CES was created by Presidential Decree No. 1 to “form a continuing pool of well-selected and development-oriented career administrators who shall provide competent and faithful service.”
“Presidential Decree No. 1 dated September 24, 1972 created the Career Executive Service Board (CESB) to serve as the governing body of the Career Executive Service (CES) and to promulgate rules, standards and procedures on the selection, classification, compensation and career development of members of the CES.”
“CES Eligibility is acquired by passing the four-stage CES eligibility examination process.”
- CES Written Examination;
- Assessment Center;
- Performance Validation; and
- Board Interview.
“Successful completion of each stage is a pre-requisite to the succeeding stages of the CES eligibility examination process.” (CESB Website)
MGB-6 Officer-in-Charge, Office of the Regional Director Raul A. Laput, and the MGB-6 personnel extend their congratulations to Ms. Ochavo-Saycon.
A post from the CESB social media page says: “Congratulations and welcome to the CES community, new CES Eligibles!”