Supporting Republic Act No. 11469 or The Bayanihan Heal as One Act, sand and gravel, quarry and mineral processing permit holders gave food packs and cash assistance to communities and front liners affected by the Enhanced Community Quarantine due to COVID 19.
Permit holders in Region 6 distributed food packs to front liners deployed in the checkpoints, affected barangays, persons with disabilities (PWD), and senior citizens in areas where the mining projects are located. The companies coordinated with the barangay officials and PNP/Army in conducting these relief operations.
MGB issued a memorandum on March 27, 2020 entitled “Realignment of the Social Development and Management Program’s Unutilized Funds to Support Affected Impact and Non-Impact Communities due to COVID-19.”
The SDMP is a community development tool of mining companies to ensure that host and mining communities where mining projects are located.
As of April 21, 2020, the total SDMP funds spent by permit holders in Region 6 who gave assistance to communities affected by the ECQ totals to P 1,405,119.50.