MGB’s 121st Founding Anniversary calls for commitment towards #MineResponsibility

Iloilo City – The DENR-Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) is celebrating its 121st anniversary this year.  With the theme #MineResponsibility: a Commitment, MGB is committed as ever to promote and work towards a mining industry that is financially viable, technically feasible, socially acceptable, and environmentally compliant.

The DENR-MGB Regional Office 6 in Iloilo City celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass with Reverend Father Dennis Galon as presider to mark the opening of this commemoration.

OIC-Regional Director Raul A. Laput encouraged the MGB-6 personnel to continue giving their best for MGB as responsible government employees and citizens of this country. Being productive and responsible in our work is tantamount to being a responsible Filipino while giving our family a good example and role model.

He also talked about the launching of the MGB IEC campaign #MineResponsibility launched in Quezon City on November 8, 2019.

#MineResponsibility is a communications campaign calling for responsible mining as a shared responsibility.  The campaign is specifically conceptualized to maximize digital platforms such as social media in drumming up interest and support for responsible mining in our country.

The MGB is one of the line bureaus of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).  MGB history points to its creation in 1898 under the Philippine Revolutionary Republic.  Under the Philippine Revolutionary Republic, the Departamento de Fomento, translated as the Department of Public Welfare was created by virtue of the decree signed by President Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo on November 28, 1898. On November 29, 1898, President Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo signed a decree creating the four (4) divisions of Departamento de Fomento and one of these divisions was the Industry and Agriculture Division. The Mines Section and the Mountains Sections were formed under the director of Industry and Agriculture, and the director of Publicas, respectively. (MGB6, DENR)

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