MGB VI issues Orders of Finality opening areas of cancelled applications

The Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office VI (MGB VI), Department of Environment and Natural Resources issued Orders of Finality to three (3) exploration permit applications (EXPA) that put in effect as final and executory the decision or order of the MGB regional director denying such applications.  The issuance of Orders of Finality is pursuant to Mines and Geoscience Bureau (MGB) Memorandum Circular No. 2019-006 with subject “Clarificatory Guidelines on the Rules on Appeal” issued by MGB Acting Director Atty. Wilfredo G. Moncano, on August 7, 2019.

As stated in MGB MC No. 2019-006, “these  guidelines  shall  apply to appeals from judgments,  decisions  or final orders of MGB Regional Offices,  denying the applications for various mining permits and agreements,  such  as Application  for  Exploration  Permit  (EP),  Application  for Mineral Production Sharing  Agreement  (APSA),  Application  for Industrial Sand and Gravel (ISAG) Permit or other mining permits filed and within the jurisdiction of MGB Regional Offices.”

“The decision/order of the  Regional  Director  denying an  application  for  a mining permit shall become final  and executory fifteen (15)  days after the receipt by the  applicant  a  copy  thereof,   unless   within   that  period  an  appeal  has  been perfected.  One motion for reconsideration may be filed, which shall suspend the running of the said period.  Once the  decision/order  becomes  final and executory,   the  MGB  Regional  Director  concerned shall issue  an Order of Finality,  copy furnished the MGB Central Office,  and  Notice,  which  shall  be posted  in the  bulletin  board/MGB   website,  that the area  is “Now  Open  for  Mining  Applications”.    In no case  shall  applications   for  mining permits  be accepted   prior to the  issuance  of a Notice  that  the area is “Now  Open  for Mining  Applications”.

Two (2) EXPAs are located in the province of Negros Occidental while one is in Antique.  These are denominated as EXPA-000051VI, EXPA-000085VI, and EXPA-000093VI.  (MGB VI)

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