Iloilo City – The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) Regional Office VI, Department of Environment and Natural resources commemorates the 124th founding anniversary of MGB on November 28, 2022. A culmination activity was held at the Days Hotel in Iloilo City starting with the celebration of the Mass with Fr. Maynard Balofiños of the Saint Vincent Ferrer Seminary as presider.
With the theme “Responsible Mining: A Way to Economic Recovery Amidst the Pandemic,” Regional Director Raul A. Laput said that the mining industry has a vital role in our economy and MGB has the primary responsibility of laying down the ground work and direction of the mining industry towards achieving responsible mining by performing the mandate, mission and programs of the agency. RD Laput further relayed that professionalism and integrity are expected of each employee and he urged them to attain these values to the highest degree in performing their duties as civil service employees.
During the program, MGB VI employees who have rendered ten (10) years and every five (5) years thereafter, of continuous and satisfactory service in the government was conferred with a loyalty award. Five employees received their plaque of appreciation and the loyalty award and loyalty cash award, as mandated in Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memorandum Circular No. 6, s. 2002. The awardees were Engr. Donnie T. Lagdamen, ten (10) years of service, Raymund E, Sicada, ten (10) years in service, Engr. Errol C. Fuentes, twenty-five (25) years of service, Engr. Prudencio C. Bulawan IV, twenty-five (25) years of service, and Engr. Lucius P. Sucgang, thirty (30) years of service.
Further, Engr. Mierbert Wed Naldoza announced the winners of the MGB VI-initiated photo-essay contest for secondary school students in observance of the National Climate Change Consciousness Week last November 19-25, 2022.
Engr. Lucius P. Sucgang, president of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau Employees Association (MGBEA) Region VI presented updates and recent activities of the MGBEA.
The MGB is one of the line bureaus of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). MGB history points to its creation in 1898 under the Philippine Revolutionary Republic. Under the Philippine Revolutionary Republic, the Departamento de Fomento, translated as Department of Public Welfare was created by virtue of the decree signed by President Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo on November 28, 1898. On November 29, 1898, President Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo signed a decree creating the four (4) divisions of Departamento de Fomento and one of these divisions was the Industry and Agriculture Division. The Mines Section and the Mountains Sections were formed under the director of Industry and Agriculture, and the director of Publicas, respectively. (MGB6, DENR)