MGB RO-6 attends JOGMEC training on Mining Pollution Control in Japan

Iloilo City –Engr. Ronald C. Villamora, Supervising Science research Specialist, attended the training on Pollution Control in Japan October 2-11, 2019 provided by the Japan, Oil, Gas, and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC).

Engr. Villamora is one of the eight delegations from the Philippines.  All participants are technical personnel of the Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) who are mining engineers, chemists, and metallurgists.

The JOGMEC introduced the participants to the history and systems of mining pollution prevention measures in Japan.  It enhanced their knowledge and skills on pollution prevention through the conduct of technical, hands-on and on-site training.

The training program brought the participants to the Matsuo Mine Museum, Matsuo Mine New Neutralization Treatment Facility and Matsuo Hachimantai Geothermal Power Plant.

While being exposed to pollution prevention practices in Japan, the training is seen to help in the promotion of mining pollution prevention measures in the Philippines specifically in mining operations by leveling up the knowledge and skills of the participants.


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