MGB-6 practices health and safety protocols to fight COVID-19 spread

(Iloilo City) – In the last six months since the world declared that the COVID-19 is at a pandemic scale, the Mines and Geosciences Bureau Regional Office No. 6 (MGB-6) has observed the necessary health and safety protocols to fight its spread and to keep its personnel safe the workplace.

MGB-6 outlines the health and safety protocols for the employees as stated in a memorandum of  Engr. Raul A. Laput, officer-in-charge of the office of the regional director.  Issued in May 2020, MGB-6 has been strictly practicing the protocols up to the present.  Among these protocols are:

No contact policy – All clients transact only at the Public Assistance Desk (PAD), and they are not allowed to go inside the different office spaces.

Thermal scanning – All employees reporting for work are subjected to thermal scanning prior to entry to the office.  Those with a temperature above 37.8 °C are not allowed to enter office premises.

Mandatory wearing of masks  Employees are required to properly wear face masks at all times inside office premises.

Social distancing –  As prescribed in all public places, personnel are required to maintain physical distancing inside the office.

Cleanliness and sanitation – The personnel are required to practice cleanliness and sanitation through constant handwashing/sanitizing.  The office ensures that disinfecting alcohol/sanitizers are readily available in handy dispensers at the office entrance and work stations.  Frequently touched surfaces and objects such as tables, switches, doorknobs, biometric devices, staircase railings, toilet seats, lavatories, etc. are regularly disinfected.

Health monitoring – The health conditions of employees are constantly monitored for symptoms of COVID-19.  They are directed to report any health condition and symptoms experienced to their supervisors.

Contact monitoring  – The employees and clients are asked to fill-up a Contact Monitoring Form and to submit it to the Finance and Administrative Division.

Office and vehicle sanitation – Office premises and vehicles are regularly sanitized and disinfected.

MGB-6 has been conducting meetings and conferences with its stakeholders through virtual mode.  Personnel who conduct fild activities observe the same safety and health protocols as prescribed by the

government.  (MGB-6)

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