Iloilo City – The DENR-Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) is celebrating its 119th anniversary this year. The MGB is one of the line bureaus of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). MGB history points to its creation in 1898 under the Philippine Revolutionary Republic. Under the Philippine Revolutionary Republic, the Departamento de Fomento, translated as Department of Public Welfare was created by virtue of the decree signed by President Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo on November 28, 1898. On November 29, 1898, President Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo signed a decree creating the four (4) divisions of Departamento de Fomento and one of these divisions was the Industry and Agriculture Division. The Mines Section and the Mountains Sections were formed under the director of Industry and Agriculture, and the director of Publicas, respectively.
At the DENR-MGB Regional Office 6 in Iloilo City, it has been a long-observed tradition to celebrate Mass during the opening ceremonies of the anniversary celebration. This year, Reverend Father Pedro Sesnorio of the Archdiocese of Jaro celebrated mass in the lobby of the MGB RO 6 office on November 6, 2017. Regional Director Leo Van V. Juguan, CESO V of the MGB RO 6 officially declared the opening of the anniversary celebration in a brief message. (MGB6, DENR)