MGB, DENR RO-6 conducts an orientation on the standard checklist and scorecards for monitoring mining work programs

Iloilo City – The Mines and Geosciences Bureau, Department of Environment and Natural Resources Regional Office 6 (MGB, DENR RO-6) conducted an orientation for permit holders on the standardized checklist and scorecards that will be used by the MGB in monitoring their compliance with the different programs.  These are approved work programs, safety, health, environment and social development programs which the mining companies implement as required by the mining law.

Engr. Rene B. de la Cruz, chief of Mine Safety, Environment, and Social Development Division said that the monitoring of compliance is being standardized using a checklist and scorecard.

He further said that the 2-day orientation is intended to increase the understanding and capacity of mining companies in complying with the requirements of their contracts and work programs on different aspects as an offshoot of the capacity-building seminar given to the MGB personnel monitoring the compliance of mining companies held last April 3-6, 2018 in Davao City.

The different topics and resource persons are as follows:

1) Present status of performance of mining tenement holders in implementing different work programs, fiscal obligation and reportorial obligations by Engr. Florian D. Jimenez, chief of the Mine Management Division; 2) Standardized checklist in validating compliances and reportorial obligations of contract and permit holders by Engr. Errol C. Fuentes, chief of the Mining Tenement Evaluation Section; 3) Score Card for the performance of mining tenement compliance by Engr. Jolepe O. Suerte, chief of the Monitoring and Technical Services Section; 4) Performance of mining tenement holders in implementing the safety, health, and environmental work programs and fund obligations, social development programs and reportorial obligations by Engr. Rene B. de la Cruz, chief of the Mine Safety, Environment and Social Development Division; and

5)  Standard checklist in validating compliances and reportorial obligations and scorecard for safety and health

The seminar was attended by 28 companies with approved Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA), Mineral Processing Permit (MPP) and Industrial Sand and Gravel Permit (ISAG).  It was held on May 17-18, 2018 at the Iloilo Grand Hotel. (MGB, DENR RO-6)


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